Video Production SErvices

Build engaging and memorable experiences for your audience.
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88% of video marketers reported that video gives them a positive ROI — a 5% increase on last years figure, and a world away from the lowly 33% who felt that way in 2015.

Source: Hubspot, 2020

Thompson Brand Images is proud to now add video production to its line of commercial imagery services, from shooting simple video imagery, to creating full-scale video productions – even TV commercials! We’ll bring the same level of creative artistry and technical excellence to our video work that you’ve become accustomed to in our still photography work using all of today’s top technology and tools, on the ground and in the air!

It is widely known that video is by far the most powerful medium for getting your unique story told to a worldwide audience. So take advantage of the power of video and boost your bottom line with a Thompson Brand Images production that artfully tells your unique story.

Our diverse list of clients include:

Drone Video Service

Stunning Artistry from the Skies in Still Photos or 4KUHD Video

Bob is an FAA Part 107 Certified Unmanned Aircraft Systems Pilot. Fancy talk for commercially qualified to fly drones legally. Bob combines the same artistry and photographic mastery he brings to his work on the ground with his love of anything flying (Bob served in the US Air Force) to create stunning aerial stills and video, now available for your business or corporation.

Video Services Gallery

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